What can happen when Prof. Gilderoy Lockhard, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honourary Member of the Dark Force Defence League; and five-time winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award, became your supervisor
It was a little difficult to talk with
my supervisor about my research, because he never used the required
experimental techniques himself and also was not strong in the
theory. But he possessed a talent to steer a conversation in a
direction where he felt comfortable and we spent hours discussing his
household repair skills and his family’s summer trips. When he was
in a mood for a more scientific talk, he examined a growth of his
h-index and remembered minutes from conferences that he attended.
Well, I had enough experience to
perform lab work on my own and this part went quite smoothly. The
first problem appeared when the time came to analyze the data. I had
only a basic knowledge of statistics, my supervisor, however, was an
author of more than 120 articles on microbial ecology and should be
an expert in statistics. To my surprise, he was unable even of
choosing an analysis method (PCA? CA? CCA? NMDS? * Not so many...). On
my perpetual questions about which method he considered more
suitable, he kept saying that Dr. X advised to use PCA and Dr. Y
advised CCA and so on. Questions like why did Dr. X and Dr. Y advised
this or that method, or what is the difference between the methods
puzzled my supervisor enormously.
One day, trying to solve once and
forever all my questions, my supervisor organized a consultancy
meeting. On that meeting Ms. F, a docent from our Department, was
explaining how ecological data should be analyzed:” … and then
you export your Excel file ...and then you press this button ...and
then you press that button...” All attempts to find out why she
chose, for example, a coefficient of similarity, got no
understanding... She told me in an injured voice: “I do it in an
autopilot mode! I have more interesting things to do in my life than
to find out which coefficient to use!”
After concussion that I got on the
meeting, I buried my hope and decided to use CA method. I bought a
book “Cluster Analysis for Researchers” by H. Charles Romesburg(my enormous thanks to the Author!), and spent few months in a battle
with statistics all by myself.
* PCA – principal components
analysis; CA – correspondence analysis; CCA – canonical
correspondence analysis; NMDS – nonmetric multidimensional scaling: the tools for data analysis in community ecology.
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