after 1.5 years I got draft of my manuscript back from my supervisor,
with his 311 changes (most of which were formatting changes) and no
comments on the scientific value of the manuscript, I understood that
help can come only from genuine professors.
wrote to three people at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and got comments and help from Dr. A.
One professor wrote that he is busy at the moment and the other did
not answer at all.
I have also sent my manuscript to external
experts, I did not complain to them and I said nothing about my
difficult situation, I only asked them for a feedback. I thought that
it would take a lot of efforts to find someone who would spend their
time to read 40 pages manuscript from an unknown student. I was
mistaken. The first two professors to whom I have sent my manuscript
answered immediately.
T (Group of Plant-Microbe Interaction, Institute of Plant Science andResources, Okayama University, Japan) provided his comments, pointed
out important questions that should be discussed more thoroughly and
advised on improving the structure of the manuscript.
B (University of Arizona & The Northwestern Center for BiologicalResearch (CIBNOR), Mexico) was on a trip and wrote that he would read
my manuscript when he comes back. He did what he promised and even
more. He went through my manuscript and checked it sentence by
sentence, writing his comments. He explained what difficulties I
might have during publishing, and how to present information in a
better way. He did what my supervisor must have done. I was very
thankful and asked him to be a co-author of the article, since he
invested so much time in it. Prof. B wrote that he provides same help
for many people and considers this service as a part of his work.
B, Prof. T and Dr. A acted as true professionals. Genuine professors
can work, while fake “professors” cannot!
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