Monday, 15 April 2013

Remember the lies you told!

It does not matter how long one can lie, the truth will be revealed anyway. That is what happened with a team of SLU bureaucrats who got a task to justify by any means the illegal termination of my PhD project.
On March 25th, the “supervisor” group informed me that all the resources were withdrawn from my PhD project, except the salaries that SLU is paying to three professors and one doctor for pretending to be my supervisors. Since by the law (Higher Educational Ordinance) the decision about withdrawing the resources from PhD studies can be done only by the rector, I wondered:
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
From: Elena K
Sent: 26 March 2013 01:05
To: Gabriella P H
Cc: Anna R
Subject: FW: Protocol from last meeting, call for supervisor meeting and new study plan
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Dear Dr. P H,
In the document that I got yesterday it is stated that resources for my studies has been withdrawn (please see the attachment). I was not informed about it. Please, can you send me a copy of the decision?
Thank you in advance.
Elena K
Dept. Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
I got no answer, so I asked again, adding a higher bureaucrat to the mailing list:
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
From: Elena K
Sent: 27 March 2013 05:24
To: Gabriella P H
Cc: Anna R; Lena A-E
Subject: FW: Protocol from last meeting, call for supervisor meeting and new study plan
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Dear Dr. P H,
In the document that I got (please see the attachment) it is stated that resources for my studies has been withdrawn . I was not informed about it. Please, can you send me a copy of the decision?
Thank you in advance.
Elena Kalle
Dept. Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Again no answer, so I changed the addressee to the highest level (this usually helps):
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
From: Elena K
Sent: 28 March 2013 06:30
To: Lena A-E
Cc: Rektor
Subject: FW: Protocol from last meeting, call for supervisor meeting and new study plan
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Dear Dr. A-E,
Recently I have got a document (please, see the attachment), which states that the resources from my PhD studies have been withdrawn.
I would appreciate it if you can confirm or refute this information.
Elena K
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
After this came the answer:
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
From: Christer B
Sent: 28 March 2013 14:14
To: Elena K
Cc: Jan S; Nils H; Johan M; Marianne C; Martin W; Lena A-E; Gabriella P H; Pär F
Subject: SV: Protocol from last meeting, call for supervisor meeting and new study plan
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Dear Elena K
The faculty agrees with the statements made by the supervisor group in the ISP concerning the direct financing of the project since the financial situation does not allow any additional direct costs. However, there has been no formal decision to withdraw resources and the supervisor group still provides guidance to you as a PhD student.
Christer B
/chairman of FUN at the NL-faculty/
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
I really like communicating with this particular bureaucrat: his style is the essence of bureaucracy – lies in verbal flourishes. So, I kept the ball rolling:
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
From: Elena K
Sent: 28 March 2013 16:13
To: Christer B
Cc: Jan S; Nils H; Johan M; Marianne C; Martin W; Lena A-E; Gabriella P H; Pär F; Rektor
Subject: resources for PhD study
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Dear Mr B,
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Thank you for the reply. However, it is difficult to understand what do you mean. Since it is an important question, I would appreciate it if you provide me with more details:
1. What does resources for PhD education usually include?
2. Which part of this resources has been withdrawn from my studies? Please, provide me with a copy of the decision.
3. Which part of the resources is left?
Thank you in advance. 
Regards, Elena KSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of cultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
And look what surprise come now!
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
From: Christer B
Sent: 28 March 2013 17:41
To: Elena K
Cc: Jan S; Nils H; Johan M; Marianne C; Martin W; Lena A-E; Gabriella P H; Pär F; Rektor
Subject: Ang.: resources for PhD study
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Dear Elena K
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
1. Salary or stipend plus some (highly variable) amount covering consumables.
2. None.
3. According to the new study plan there are no resources left beside the supervision provided by the supervisors.
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Christer B
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Wait a second! For more than a year this bureaucratic gang was talking that stipend or salary is not a study resource! That is why they could take my salary without any formal decision. It does not call “withdrawing” they said. And now Mr. B. just gave away the show! Well, these things became more interesting, so I asked:
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
From: Elena K
Sent: 28 March 2013 17:59
To: Christer B
Cc: Jan S; Nils H; Johan M; Marianne C; Martin W; Lena A-E; Gabriella P H; Pär F; Rektor
Subject: RE: Ang.: resources for PhD study
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Dear Mr B,
I apologize for bothering you, but you need to understand that this question is important for me. Please, can you write more clear, what do these points mean? In the first message you wrote "The faculty agrees with the statements made by the supervisor group in the ISP concerning the direct financing of the project since the financial situation does not allow any additional direct costs." where do these resource belong to? When they were withdrawn?
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Probably, at that moment he already has got cuffs and kicks from the chief of the gang, for not remembering the lie they all agreed to say, so he became very discreet:
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
From: Christer B
Sent: 28 March 2013 18:10
To: Elena K
Cc: Jan S; Nils H; Johan M; Marianne C; Martin W; Lena A-E; Gabriella P H; Pär F; Rektor
Subject: Ang.: resources for PhD study
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Dear Elena K
No financial resources have been withdrawn. Resources in the form of supervision is offered.
Christer B
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
But I was not ready to stop the conversation when it came to such an interesting point! Not yet!
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
From: Elena K
Sent: 28 March 2013 18:18
To: Christer B
Cc: Jan S; Nils H; Johan M; Marianne C; Martin W; Lena A-E; Gabriella P H; Pär F; Rektor
Subject: RE: Ang.: resources for PhD study
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Dear Mr B,
I apologize for bothering you, but you need to understand that this question is important for me. Please, can you write more clear, what do the points, that you listed in your previous mail means (citation):
"1. Salary or stipend plus some (highly variable) amount covering consumables.
2. None.
3. According to the new study plan there are no resources left beside the supervision provided by the supervisors." (end of citation)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
In the first message you wrote "The faculty agrees with the statements made by the supervisor group in the ISP concerning the direct financing of the project since the financial situation does not allow any additional direct costs." to which group do these resource belong to? How much were they? What was a mechanism of their ending?
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
After this my mail box was shut down for few days (too late! I copied all mails already). So, when the access was restored we continued:
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
From: Elena K
Sent: 02 April 2013 13:39
To: Christer B
Cc: Jan S; Nils H; Johan M; Marianne C; Martin W; Lena A-E; Gabriella P H; Pär F; Rektor
Subject: RE: Ang.: resources for PhD study
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Dear Mr B,
I apologize for bothering you, but you need to understand that this question is important for me. Please, can you write more clear, what do the points, that you listed in your previous mail means (citation):
"1. Salary or stipend plus some (highly variable) amount covering consumables.
2. None.
3. According to the new study plan there are no resources left beside the supervision provided by the supervisors." (end of citation)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
In the first message you wrote "The faculty agrees with the statements made by the supervisor group in the ISP concerning the direct financing of the project since the financial situation does not allow any additional direct costs." to which group do these resource belong to? How much were they? May I see the documents about the origin and the amount of the resources that were allocated for my PhD studies? What was a mechanism of their ending?
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
From: Christer B
Sent: 02 April 2013 21:37
To: Elena K
Cc: Jan S; Nils H; Johan M; Marianne C; Martin W; Lena A-E; Gabriella P H; Pär F; Rektor
Subject: RE: Ang.: resources for PhD study
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Dear Elena Kalle
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
To get more detailed answers to your questions you need to meet with your supervisors.
I have tried to be as clear as I possibly can in my answers.
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Christer B
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Well, this was a moment for final comments:
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
From: Elena K
Sent: 03 April 2013 06:24
To: Christer B
Cc: Jan S; Nils H; Johan M; Marianne C; Martin W; Lena A-E; Gabriella P H; Pär F; Rektor
Subject: RE: Ang.: resources for PhD study
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Dear Mr. B,
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
1. You refuse to provide me with information regarding my own studies. You act against the Swedish law.
2. I still do not have a supervisor. The group of the people appointed as my supervisors is illegal, because the appointment was done in conflict with prescribed rules and, as a result, the biased persons were selected. Surely, people, who are participating in this performance understand that they are involved in the act of psychological violence against me.
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Elena K
Dept Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Uppsala, Sweden

Summary. The salary is a study recourse. This study resource was withdrawn from my PhD against the law.

Higher Education Ordinance; Chapter 6, Section 30 : Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
If a doctoral student substantially neglects his or her undertakings in the individual study plan, the vice-chancellor shall decide that the doctoral student is no longer entitled to supervision and other study resources. Before such a decision is made, the doctoral student and the supervisors shall be given an opportunity to make representations. The case shall be considered on the basis of their reports and any other records available. The assessment shall take into account whether the higher education institution has fulfilled its own undertakings in the individual study plan. A written record of the decision shall be made, which is to include reasons for the decision.
Resources may not be withdrawn for any period in which the third-cycle student has been appointed to a doctoral studentship or is receiving a doctoral grant. Ordinance (2010:1064).
Swedish University of Agricultural Science University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish University of Agricultural ScienSwedish University of Agricultural ScienceceSwedish University of Agricultural SciencesSwedish University of Agricultural ScienceSwedish University of Agricultural Science
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Swedish Universit

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