Saturday, 20 April 2013

What for SLU keeps Student Ombudsman?

Or Who pays the piper calls the tune

After my studentship was withdrawn, I tried all possible ways to start communication with the SLU authorities. I even appealed to so called Student Ombudsman. The first Ombudsman I contacted advised me to withdraw my complaint against the SLU from the Higher Education Authority and to start begging the top bureaucrats to pity me. The reason provided was very interesting: SLU is too powerful to fight against (like I didn't know it before!). I didn't follow the advice because I already spent six months trying to “get in touch” with the university.
Well, when another ombudsman contacted me after a while, I tried to dispel some suspicions that started to bother me: for whom ombudsman really works? Where lays his loyalty?
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural sciences
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
From: Monika A
Sent: 30 January 2013 09:05
To: Elena K
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Dear Elena,
My name is Monika A, and I very recently came back from my parental leave as PhD-student commissioner. I heard that you’ve been in contact with Nina and Anna who fill in for me during my leave of absence. If you want to see me, do get in touch.
Kind regards, Monika
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Monika A
Doktorandombudsman/PhD-student commissioner
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Box 7010, 750 07 UPPSALA
Besöksadress: Hampus von Posts väg 8
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Från: Elena K
Skickat: den 1 februari 2013 00:55
Till: Monika A
Ämne: RE:
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Dear Dr. A,
Thank you for contacting me. I would highly appreciate any help and advice. I have got a serious problems while doing my PhD projects at SLU. So, I got in touch with Dr. A when she was appointed as a PhD-student commissioner.
I would like to know your point of view on my case and, of course, would appreciate any advice about how to involve my University into a reasonable discussion. But before I provide more details on my case, I would be thankful if you can clarify for me one sensible question: are you an SLU's employee or the the state's one?
Thank you in advance for your answer!
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
From: Monika A
Sent: 04 February 2013 15:41
To: Elena K
Subject: SV:
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Dear Elena,
I am stationed at the Division of Student Affairs and Learning Development, but my position is independent in many aspects. I do, for example, have professional secrecy. In a few cases I have collaborated with the union (of course only with permission from the individual PhD-student). I have also worked together with the PhD-student councils in driving through improvements on a more general basis. When it comes to certain legal aspects I also have some contacts outside SLU.
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Kind regards, Monika
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Meaning: the Student Ombudsman is paid by SLU
Question: whose interests will Student Ombudsman defend? If you can't guess now, scroll down.
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Every time when I contacted SLU authorities regarding newly invented problems, I added our Student Ombudsman on a mailing list to keep her informed. However, no reaction ever came from her. Recently, my “supervisor group” decided to withdraw the rest of my study resources and for the thousandth time I sent my protest against the violation of the rules. I was expecting at least any reaction from our Ombudsman and when it didn't come, I wondered:
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
From: Elena K
Sent: 12 April 2013 12:30
To: Monika A
Subject: your opinion
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Dear Dr. A,
On April 12, 2013 I sent you a copy of my letter addressed to SLU administration. There I again express my protest against illegal procedure of appointment of new supervisor group. Since October 2012 I have been asking SLU administration to change their decision, but my requests were ignored. Neither I was given any explanations about the reasons of such decision. Since you are the student ombudsmen at SLU, I would like to know your opinion about this situation.
Regards,Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Elena KSwedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
and I wondered again:Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural 
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
From: Elena K
Sent: 15 April 2013 06:53
To: Monika ASwedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Subject: FW: your opinion

Dear Dr. A,Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
On April 12, 2013 I sent you a copy of my letter addressed to SLU administration (the file enclosed). There I again express my protest against illegal procedure of appointment of new supervisor group. Since October 2012 I have been asking SLU administration to change their decision, but my requests were ignored. Neither I was given any explanations about the reasons of such decision. Since you are the student ombudsmen at SLU, I would like to know your opinion about this situation.
Regards,Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Elena KalleSwedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
and again :Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Från: Elena KSwedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Skickat: den 18 april 2013 05:44
Till: Monika ASwedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Ämne: FW: your opinion
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Dear Dr. A,Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
On April 12, 2013 I sent you a copy of my letter addressed to SLU administration (the file enclosed). There I again express my protest against illegal procedure of appointment of new supervisor group. Since October 2012 I have been asking SLU administration to change their decision, but my requests were ignored. Neither I was given any explanations about the reasons of such decision. Since you are the student ombudsmen at SLU, I would like to know your opinion about this situation.
Regards,Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Elena KalleSwedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
And the answer came at last:
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
From: Monika ASwedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Sent: 18 April 2013 09:05
To: Elena KSwedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Subject: SV: your opinion
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Dear Elena,Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
I've been away on official business, and the rest of this week is fully-booked. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Take care!Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Kind regards, MonikaSwedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural scienceSwedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural scienceSwedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
I am going to send our Student Ombudsman a link to this post and asked her to comment on it. As soon as she replies her comments will be posted without any censorship.Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
And now I would like to share with you some quotes from the replay that SLU sent to the Uppsala District Court answering my complaint (the complete versions of all documents will be posted later):
Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
“Employment as a doctoral student is a temporal form of employment regulated by Chapter 5 of the Higher Education Ordinance (HF). In the case of employment that are temporary pursuant to the HF, unlike employments that have been limited in time according to the Employment Protection Act (LAS), no separate notice need to be made in connection with the termination of such an employment.”
“As its first ground, the plaintiff (probably they meant defendant) asserts that all of the plaintiff's requests for relief are time-barred. Elena K has thereby lost her right to her claim pursuant to the Security of Employment Act (LAS), Section 42. In the event that the District Court should find that one or more of Elena's request for relief is not time-barred, SLU assert that this part of the Complaint should be denied, as Elena K had a temporary employment, which expired legally, so that no voiding of the notice of termination, request for relief by a declaration that the employment agreement will continue in force until further notice, or any damages pursuant to the Employment Protection Act (LAS) will apply”Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
“ A party who intends to request a declaration to void a notice of termination, pursuant to LAS §40, must notify the employer about this no later then two weeks after the termination took place. .. A person who wishes to demand damages pursuant to LAS §41 is required to notify the opposite party of this within four months of the date of commencement of the action that caused the injury or loss. “
Swedish universitSwedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural scienceSwedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science sciences Swedish university of agricultural science
Summarizing: PhD is a position with a temporal employment. The employment is renewed every year. If your supervisor decides not to renew it, he is in his full rights. No explanations to you must be provided. No notifications should be expected. You have only two weeks to complain!
And here comes again our Student Ombudsman. If you would follow “good advices” to contact the Student Ombudsman and go into discussions and meetings you would spend precious time and lose the tiny chance to get your case investigated! That is the main reason why SLU keeps Ombudsman. If Ombudsman would be installed to watch the students' rights he would be employed by the State in order to be unbiased. However, if Ombudsman is paid by SLU, would he do anything against his employer, knowing that “SLU is too powerful to fight against”?Swedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural scienceSwedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural scienceSwedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural scienceSwedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural scienceSwedish university of agricultural sciences Swedish university of agricultural science


  1. I have got a reply from the SLU student ombudsman at last:

    From: Monika A
    Sent: 08 May 2013 13:22
    To: Elena K

    Dear Elena,

    We are several persons in different positions, employed within or without SLU, who are working for your rights and wellbeing; doctoral student ombudsmän/counselors, the trade unions, the PhD-student unions, safety representatives, occupational health service etc. You have, among others, been in touch with two-three doctoral student ombudsmän, one of them outside SLU, before I came back from my parental leave. I think that you should talk to someone (in a position) that you believe in, if you want to see if there is anything else that can be done for you. It’s not possible to comment on your case, based only on the protest that you sent to the faculty.

    Kind regards, Monika

    Monika A

    Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

    Box 7010, 750 07 UPPSALA
    Besöksadress: Hampus von Posts väg 8
    Telefon: 018-67 15 60

  2. Well, probably everything is clear already. Still, I wish to understand what kind of excuses the person find for herself for not doing what she ought to do. So I wrote:

    From: Elena K.
    Sent: 10 May 2013 07:48
    To: Monika A
    Subject: still the same question

    Dear Ms. A.,
    Thank you for your reply. I agree with you that there are many persons at the different positions who are appointed to work with the students rights and wellbeing. When I faced a problem I did informed these people in charge about it. I asked only about one thing: to start investigation, as it is prescribed by the rules. The only who showed concern was the student union, but still, what can my colleagues-PhD do? Nobody else said a word. Nobody showed a slightest wish to find out whether I am right or wrong. So, my question to you was: should the student ombudsman initiate an investigation, when receiving a signal of mistreatment? If so, why did you keep silence?
